Hand Quilting Patterns - Tips For Finding Them

So, having decided to hand quilt your project, how do you find the right quilting design? Your own quilt design: This is undoubtedly the first place to look for inspiration. If your quilt contains some heart piecing, then consider quilting hearts into the background filler. For a Christmas project, try using holly leaves or Christmas trees in your designs. If you are not happy with your own drawing, children's colouring books...

Hand Quilting Patterns on Antique Quilts

Which hand quilted patterns were stitched into American quilts made in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? Nine common patterns seen by this quilt historian are described here.1. Clamshell is one of the earliest patterns. They were stitched allover the top on whole cloth and patchwork quilts or as the background between other quilting patterns.2. Feathers were most common on pre-Civil War fancy and elaborate quilts which...

Hand Quilting - Only For The Passionate Ones

The history of hand quilting was written by all women who have dedicated their time, passion and skills in creating true masterpieces from simple pieces of fabric and thread. Those women were building something marvelous and timeless every time they stitched one piece of textile to another, one memory along all the others. This is the true meaning of hand quilting: the more work you put in it, the more valuable your quilt will...

Hand Quilting Verses Machine Quilting

In our grandmother's day, most quilts were made completely by hand. A group of ladies would sometimes get together for a "quilting bee." Today's quilter does not always have the advantage of having that extra help in finishing her project. Most sewing machines today come with a special pressure foot to make machine quilting easier, and in most cases, using your sewing machine is faster than by hand. There are advantages and disadvantages...

Machine Quilting, Hand Tying and Hand Quilting

You have pieced together your quilt top and now it's time to decide how you are going to stitch your quilt. There are several methods of quilting that you can choose from. This article will explore the various methods that you can choose when quilting your three sandwich layers together. Whatever method you choose, you will end up with a quilt that will have your unique signature.I'll start off by giving the definition of a quilt....